Tuesday, July 8, in the cloister of the Basilica of Santo Stefano, Fülöp Ránki, the artistic son of two great Hungarian musicians, will perform a recital dedicated to the transcendental piano music of Franz Liszt.
Starting to play the piano at the age of three, and with training that took him from the Liszt Academy of Budapest to an international career, Fülöp has become a prominent performer. His concert will explore the complex technical and stylistic facets of Liszt’s works, offering a unique musical experience.
The event is part of the Talenti festival.
Fülöp Ránki - Bologna Festival
Chiostro della Basilica di Santo Stefano - Via Santo Stefano 24
40125 Bologna
Telephone: +39 0516493397
Email: info@bolognafestival.it
Site/minisite/other: https://www.bolognafestival.it/it/concerti-bologna-2025/talenti-2025/fulop-ranki/
- Music & Exhibition
9 pm