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San Michele in Bosco to Forte Bandiera Path

From Comune di Bologna

Thanks to the work of the Bologna Hiking Council, the first path on the city hills has been finally opened, running from San Michele in Bosco to Forte Bandiera.

Wouldn’t it be nice to spend a pleasant day surrounded by the green hills of Bologna? This itinerary is just right for you! You can easily manage to walk about 4 km with a vertical drop of 250 m in peace.

The starting point is the impressive Complex of SanMichele in Bosco, one of the most magnificent in Italy of its kind, far from the madding crowd, and standing in a beautiful scenic point overlooking the city and the hills with a stunning panoramic view.

Thence you can enter the San Michele in Bosco Park and its lower part on Codivilla street, called Remo Scoto Garden and owned by the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute.

On your way up to the valley of the Aposa torrent and its tributary Costarella, cutting the slopes of Monte San Vittore and the hill of Barbiano, you will finally reach the itinerary’s destination: ForteBandiera and its park, from whence you can admire amazing views of Bologna, Rastignano and the Savena valley.

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